Thursday, February 16, 2006

Murder in Miyoshi

In a small country town in Hiroshima prefecture, a murder. When I heard I expected to hear snippets of information spreading like wildfire - in the shops, on the radio, on local TV, in the paper, and on the lips of all and sundry. But the response has been subdued. Yes, it was on the radio. Yes, it warranted a rather small article in the local paper, but it hasn't been sensationalised. This surprised me in a smallish country town. It would have been all the talk in a similar-sized town in Britain, especially when the victim (a woman in her fifties) had been found stabbed upward of thirty times in the chest and head. It must have been a frenzied attack. Perhaps it didn't cause such a stir because the apparent killer (a taxi driver in his sixties) turned up at the police station an hour or so after the crime, and admitted everything. Drunk, and angry, he had called at the woman's house to claim back money she owed. Just in case she refused, he had taken a kitchen knife along with him.


Blogger Maethelwine said...

That is odd. Seems like at the very least all the kids would be spreading the news like crazy, fabricating some local bogey-man to terrorize one another with for years to come.

1:16 PM  
Blogger jh said...

Can't quite work out what to make of it all. On the one hand it must be a good thing not to have an OTT press sensationalising everything, but on the other, I hope that the general torpor that hangs over this country town doesn't in reality amount to complacency and apathy - not when it comes to murder.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey look! You've got your first comment spam ... the one directly above this one. :+(

As for the murder, a very high percentage of murder victims knew their assailant. I guess in this case he's been caught and the town feels safe again. Now, if he'd still been on the loose or if the victim had been a school-going child I think the town would have reacted differently.

Try and delete the comment spammer's signature if you can.

6:14 PM  
Blogger jh said...

Hello JB. With the help of Maethelwine I think I've worked out how to trash the spam comment you mention. Couldn't get rid of just the signature, but had to trash the whole message.

10:14 AM  

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